Why Starfield Doesn't Have Ground Vehicles

Starfield, the upcoming open-world space RPG from Bethesda Game Studios, has been the subject of much speculation and anticipation in recent months. One of the most common questions fans have asked is why the game doesn't have any ground vehicles.

In a recent interview with IGN, Todd Howard, the game's executive producer, addressed this question. He explained that Bethesda actually considered adding ground vehicles to Starfield at one point in development, but ultimately decided against it.

"We talked about it," Howard said. "But we just felt like, for the kind of game we wanted to make, it just wasn't the right fit."

Howard went on to explain that ground vehicles would have added a lot of complexity to the game, both in terms of development and gameplay. They would have also required a lot of new assets, such as roads and cities, to be created.

"It just felt like it was going to take away from the other stuff we wanted to do," Howard said.

Instead of ground vehicles, Starfield will feature a variety of other ways for players to get around, including jetpacks, spaceships, and space stations. Players will also be able to explore the game's planets on foot.

"We wanted to make sure that the player had a lot of freedom to explore the game world," Howard said. "And we felt like ground vehicles would have limited that freedom."

Howard also said that Bethesda is still considering adding ground vehicles to Starfield in the future, as a possible DLC or expansion. However, for now, the game will focus on other forms of transportation.

"We're not saying never," Howard said. "But for the base game, it just wasn't the right fit."

The decision to not include ground vehicles in Starfield has been met with mixed reactions from fans. Some fans have expressed disappointment, while others have understanding. Ultimately, it will be up to each individual player to decide whether or not they miss the lack of ground vehicles.

The Pros and Cons of Ground Vehicles in Starfield

There are several potential pros and cons to including ground vehicles in Starfield.


  • Ground vehicles could provide players with a new way to explore the game world.
  • They could also be used for transportation between planets and space stations.
  • Ground vehicles could add a new level of gameplay variety.


  • Ground vehicles could be difficult to balance, especially in a game with such a large and open world.
  • They could also require a lot of new assets to be created, which could add to the development time and cost of the game.
  • Ground vehicles could take away from the focus on space exploration, which is one of the main selling points of Starfield.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to include ground vehicles in Starfield is a complex one. There are both pros and cons to consider, and the best decision may be different for different players.

What Do You Think?

What do you think about the decision to not include ground vehicles in Starfield? Do you think it was the right call? Or do you think the game would be better with ground vehicles? Let me know in the comments below.

Stay tuned for more information about Starfield!

Starfield is scheduled to be released on November 11, 2023. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned for more information about the game. We'll be sure to keep you updated on all the latest news and developments.